:relfileprefix: ../../../ [#boost-urls-params_encoded_base-buffer] = xref:boost.adoc[pass:[boost]]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[pass:[urls]]::xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base.adoc[pass:[params_encoded_base]]::buffer Return the query corresponding to these params == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- xref:boost/urls/pct_string_view.adoc[pct_string_view] buffer() const noexcept; ---- == Description This function returns the query string referenced by the container. The returned string may contain percent escapes. === Example [,cpp] ---- assert( url_view( "?first=John&last=Doe" ).encoded_params().buffer() == "first=John&last=Doe" ); ---- === Complexity Constant. === Exception Safety Throws nothing. === BNF [,cpp] ---- query-params = query-param *( "&" query-param ) query-param = key [ "=" value ] key = *qpchar value = *( qpchar / "=" ) ---- === Specification * link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string[Query string (Wikipedia)]