:relfileprefix: ../../../ [#boost-urls-grammar-ci_digest] = xref:boost.adoc[pass:[boost]]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[pass:[urls]]::xref:boost/urls/grammar.adoc[pass:[grammar]]::ci_digest Return the case-insensitive digest of a string == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- xref:std.adoc[std]::size_t ci_digest(core::string_view s) noexcept; ---- == Description The hash function is non-cryptographic and not hardened against algorithmic complexity attacks. Returned digests are suitable for usage in unordered containers. The function is defined only for strings containing low-ASCII characters. == Return Value The digest == Parameters |=== | Name | Description | *s* | The string |===