
Set the host


url_base& set_host( string_view s);

Declared in file <src/url_base.cpp> at line 608


Depending on the contents of the passed string, this function sets the host:

  • If the string is a valid IPv4 address, then the host is set to the address. The host type is host_type::ipv4.
  • If the string is a valid IPv6 address enclosed in square brackets, then the host is set to that address. The host type is host_type::ipv6.
  • If the string is a valid IPvFuture address enclosed in square brackets, then the host is set to that address. The host type is host_type::ipvfuture.
  • Otherwise, the host name is set to the string, which may be empty. Reserved characters in the string are percent-escaped in the result. The host type is host_type::name.
  • In all cases, when this function returns, the URL contains an authority.


    assert( url( "" ).set_host( "" ).buffer() == "" );


    this->has_authority() == true


    Linear in `this->size() + s.size()`.

    Exception Safety

    Strong guarantee. Calls to allocate may throw.


    host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / "-" / ".")


  • IPv4 (Wikipedia)
  • IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture (rfc4291)
  • 3.2.2. Host (rfc3986)