:relfileprefix: ../../../ [#3947467B0AA88F2659DAFA213AC47F71EDEC81D3] = Function url_base::c_str pass:v,q[Return the url as a null-terminated string] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- const char* c_str() const noexcept; ---- == Description pass:v,q[This function returns a pointer to a null] pass:v,q[terminated string representing the url,] pass:v,q[which may contain percent escapes.] === Example [,cpp] ---- assert( std::strlen( url( "http://www.example.com" ).c_str() ) == 22 ); ---- === Complexity pass:v,q[Constant.] === Exception Safety pass:v,q[Throws nothing.] == Return Value * ``