:relfileprefix: ../../../ [#8E6BFF8CB2C9CDC0375C445F8990737B458409DF] = Function segments_ref::assign pass:v,q[Assign segments] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- void assign(initializer_list init); ---- == Description pass:v,q[The existing contents are replaced] pass:v,q[by a copy of the contents of the] pass:v,q[initializer list.] pass:v,q[Reserved characters in the list are] pass:v,q[automatically escaped.] pass:v,q[All iterators are invalidated.] [NOTE] pass:v,q[None of the character buffers referenced] pass:v,q[by `init` may overlap the character buffer] pass:v,q[of the underlying url, or else the behavior] pass:v,q[is undefined.] === Example [,cpp] ---- url u; u.segments().assign( { "path", "to", "file.txt" } ); ---- === Complexity pass:v,q[Linear in `init.size() + this->url().encoded_query().size() + this->url().encoded_fragment().size()`.] === Exception Safety pass:v,q[Strong guarantee.] pass:v,q[Calls to allocate may throw.] == Return Value * `void` == Parameters |=== | Name | Type | *init* | `initializer_list` |===