:relfileprefix: ../../../ [#D9BE0DFC81282C1FC53BFD36DE4E5BA998EDE8F9] = Function params_encoded_ref::set pass:v,q[Set a value] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base.adoc[params_encoded_base]::xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base/iterator.adoc[iterator] set( xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base.adoc[params_encoded_base]::xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base/iterator.adoc[iterator] pos, xref:boost/urls/pct_string_view.adoc[pct_string_view] value); ---- == Description pass:v,q[This function replaces the value of an] pass:v,q[element at the specified position.] pass:v,q[All iterators that are equal to] pass:v,q[`pos` or come after are invalidated.] [NOTE] pass:v,q[The string passed in must not come] pass:v,q[from the element being replaced,] pass:v,q[or else the behavior is undefined.] === Example [,cpp] ---- url u( "?id=42&id=69" ); u.encoded_params().set( u.encoded_params().begin(), "none" ); assert( u.encoded_query() == "id=none&id=69" ); ---- === Complexity pass:v,q[Linear in `this->url().encoded_query().size()`.] === Exception Safety pass:v,q[Strong guarantee.] pass:v,q[Calls to allocate may throw.] pass:v,q[Exceptions thrown on invalid input.] == Return Value * `iterator` == Parameters |=== | Name | Type | *pos* | `iterator` | *value* | `pct_string_view` |===