:relfileprefix: ../../ [#0BE216047465DCD96E1384158680A481BE7D5407] = Class param_view pass:v,q[A query parameter] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- struct param_view; ---- == Member Functions [,cols=2] |=== |Name |Description |xref:boost/urls/param_view/2conversion.adoc[`pass:v[operator param]`] | pass:v,q[Conversion] |xref:boost/urls/param_view/operator_ptr.adoc[`pass:v[operator->]`] | |xref:boost/urls/param_view/2constructor.adoc[`pass:v[param_view]`] | pass:v,q[Constructor] |=== == Data Members [,cols=2] |=== |Name |Description |xref:boost/urls/param_view/has_value.adoc[`pass:v[has_value]`] | pass:v,q[True if a value is present] |xref:boost/urls/param_view/key.adoc[`pass:v[key]`] | pass:v,q[The key] |xref:boost/urls/param_view/value.adoc[`pass:v[value]`] | pass:v,q[The value] |=== == Description pass:v,q[Objects of this type represent a single key] pass:v,q[and value pair in a query string where a key] pass:v,q[is always present and may be empty, while the] pass:v,q[presence of a value is indicated by] xref:boost/urls/param_view/has_value.adoc[has_value] pass:v,q[equal to true.] pass:v,q[An empty value is distinct from no value.] pass:v,q[Depending on where the object was obtained,] pass:v,q[the strings may or may not contain percent] pass:v,q[escapes.] pass:v,q[For most usages, key comparisons are] pass:v,q[case-sensitive and duplicate keys in] pass:v,q[a query are possible. However, it is] pass:v,q[the authority that has final control] pass:v,q[over how the query is interpreted.] pass:v,q[Keys and values in this object reference] pass:v,q[external character buffers.] pass:v,q[Ownership of the buffers is not transferred;] pass:v,q[the caller is responsible for ensuring that] pass:v,q[the assigned buffers remain valid until] pass:v,q[they are no longer referenced.] === BNF [,cpp] ---- query-params = query-param *( "&" query-param ) query-param = key [ "=" value ] key = *qpchar value = *( qpchar / "=" ) ---- === Specification * link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string[Query string (Wikipedia)]