:relfileprefix: ../../../../ [#7959759509D8F8470BBB3DED31B97D5FC0389D01] = Friend operator- pass:v,q[Return a new character set by subtracting] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- friend constexpr xref:boost/urls/grammar/lut_chars.adoc[lut_chars] operator-( const xref:boost/urls/grammar/lut_chars.adoc[lut_chars]& cs0, const xref:boost/urls/grammar/lut_chars.adoc[lut_chars]& cs1) noexcept; ---- == Description pass:v,q[This function returns a new character] pass:v,q[set which is formed from all of the] pass:v,q[characters in `cs0` which are not in `cs`.] === Example pass:v,q[This statement declares a character set] pass:v,q[containing all the lowercase letters] pass:v,q[which are not vowels:] [,cpp] ---- constexpr lut_chars consonants = lut_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") - "aeiou"; ---- === Complexity pass:v,q[Constant.]