:relfileprefix: ../../../../ [#6BF4C74D2BFA93B9E3BDB87EF3504DCAED69A65F] = Enumerator error::need_more pass:v,q[More input is needed to match the rule] == Synopsis Declared in header `` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,macros,-callouts"] ---- need_more = 1 ---- == Description pass:v,q[A rule reached the end of the input,] pass:v,q[resulting in a partial match. The error] pass:v,q[is recoverable; the caller may obtain] pass:v,q[more input if possible and attempt to] pass:v,q[parse the character buffer again.] pass:v,q[Custom rules should only return this] pass:v,q[error if it is completely unambiguous] pass:v,q[that the rule cannot be matched without] pass:v,q[more input.]