= xref:boost.adoc[boost]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[urls]::xref:boost/urls/grammar.adoc[grammar]::is_charset
:relfileprefix: ../../../

Alias for `std::true_type` if T satisfies xref:boost/urls/grammar/CharSet.adoc[CharSet].

== Synopsis

Declared in `<https://www.github.com/boostorg/url/blob/develop/include/boost/url/grammar/charset.hpp#L66[boost/url/grammar/charset.hpp]>`

template<class T>
using is_charset = /* implementation-defined */::xref:boost/urls/grammar/implementation_defined/is_charset.adoc[is_charset]<T>;

== Description

This metafunction determines if the    type `T` meets these requirements of    _CharSet_:

* An instance of 
 is invocable    with this equivalent function signature:

bool T::operator()( char ) const noexcept;

=== Example

Use with `enable_if` on the return value:

template< class CharSet >
typename std::enable_if< is_charset<T>::value >::type
func( CharSet const& cs );

== Template Parameters

| Name | Description

| *T*
| the type to check&period;


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