
Return the query


Declared in <include/boost/url/url_view_base.hpp>

template<class StringToken = string_token::return_string>
query(StringToken&& token) const;


If this contains a query, it is returned as a string (which may be empty). Otherwise, an empty string is returned. Any percent-escapes in the string are decoded first. When plus signs appear in the query portion of the url, they are converted to spaces automatically upon decoding. This behavior can be changed by setting decode options.

assert( url_view( "/sql?id=42&name=jane%2Ddoe&page+size=20" ).query() == "id=42&name=jane-doe&page size=20" );

Linear in `this->query().size()`.

Calls to allocate may throw.

query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) query-param = key [ "=" value ] query-params = [ query-param ] *( "&" query-param )
  • ://" >Query string (Wikipedia)
  • See Also

    encoded_params , encoded_query , has_query , params .

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