[#boost-urls-segments_encoded_base] = xref:boost.adoc[boost]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[urls]::segments_encoded_base :relfileprefix: ../../ :mrdocs: Common functionality for containers == Synopsis Declared in `<https://www.github.com/boostorg/url/blob/develop/include/boost/url/segments_encoded_base.hpp#L37[boost/url/segments_encoded_base.hpp]>` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,replacements,macros,-callouts"] ---- class segments_encoded_base; ---- == Types [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/const_iterator.adoc[`const_iterator`] | A Bidirectional iterator to a path segment | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/const_reference.adoc[`const_reference`] | The reference type | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/difference_type.adoc[`difference_type`] | A signed integer type used to represent differences. | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/iterator.adoc[`iterator`] | A Bidirectional iterator to a path segment | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/reference.adoc[`reference`] | The reference type | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/size_type.adoc[`size_type`] | An unsigned integer type used to represent size. | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/value_type.adoc[`value_type`] | The value type |=== == Member Functions [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/back.adoc[`back`] | Return the last segment | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/begin.adoc[`begin`] | Return an iterator to the beginning | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/buffer.adoc[`buffer`] | Return the referenced character buffer. | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/empty.adoc[`empty`] | Return true if there are no segments | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/end.adoc[`end`] | Return an iterator to the end | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/front.adoc[`front`] | Return the first segment | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/is_absolute.adoc[`is_absolute`] | Returns true if this references an absolute path. | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/size.adoc[`size`] | Return the number of segments |=== == Static Member Functions [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base/max_size.adoc[`max_size`] | Return the maximum number of characters possible |=== == Description This base class is used by the library to provide common member functions for containers. This cannot be instantiated directly; Instead, use one of the containers or functions: === Containers * segments_ref * segments_view * segments_encoded_ref * segments_encoded_view Common functionality for containers This base class is used by the library to provide common member functions for containers. This cannot be instantiated directly; Instead, use one of the containers or functions: === Containers * segments_ref * segments_view * segments_encoded_ref * segments_encoded_view [.small]#Created with https://www.mrdocs.com[MrDocs]#