[#boost-urls-params_view-2constructor-04] = xref:boost.adoc[boost]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[urls]::xref:boost/urls/params_view.adoc[params_view]::params_view :relfileprefix: ../../../ :mrdocs: Constructor == Synopsis Declared in `<https://www.github.com/boostorg/url/blob/develop/include/boost/url/params_view.hpp#L253[boost/url/params_view.hpp]>` [source,cpp,subs="verbatim,replacements,macros,-callouts"] ---- params_view( core::string_view s, xref:boost/urls/encoding_opts.adoc[encoding_opts] opt); ---- == Description This function constructs params from a valid query parameter string, which can contain percent escapes. This instance will use the specified xref:boost/urls/encoding_opts.adoc[encoding_opts] when the values are decoded. Unlike the parameters in URLs, the string passed here should not start with "?". Upon construction, the view will reference the character buffer pointed to by `s`. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of the buffer extends until it is no longer referenced. === Example [,cpp] ---- encoding_opts opt; opt.space_as_plus = true; params_view qp( "name=John+Doe", opt ); ---- === Effects [,cpp] ---- return params_view(parse_query( s ).value(), opt); ---- === Postconditions [,cpp] ---- this->buffer().data() == s.data() ---- === Complexity Linear in `s`. === Exception Safety Exceptions thrown on invalid input. === BNF [,cpp] ---- query-params = [ query-param ] *( "&" query-param ) query-param = key [ "=" value ] ---- === Specification * link:https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-3.4[3.4. Query] == Exceptions |=== | Name | Thrown on | `system_error` | `s` contains an invalid query parameter string. |=== == Parameters |=== | Name | Description | *s* | The string to parse. | *opt* | The options for decoding. If this parameter is omitted, `space_as_plus` is used. |=== [.small]#Created with https://www.mrdocs.com[MrDocs]#