[#boost-urls-grammar] = xref:boost.adoc[boost]::xref:boost/urls.adoc[urls]::grammar :relfileprefix: ../../ :mrdocs: == Namespace Aliases [cols=1] |=== | Name | xref:boost/urls/grammar/string_token.adoc[`string_token`] |=== == Types [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/grammar/aligned_storage.adoc[`aligned_storage`] | Provides an aligned storage buffer aligned for T | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_equal.adoc[`ci_equal`] | A case‐insensitive equals predicate for strings | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_hash.adoc[`ci_hash`] | A case‐insensitive hash function object for strings | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_less.adoc[`ci_less`] | A case‐insensitive less predicate for strings | xref:boost/urls/grammar/is_charset.adoc[`is_charset`] | Alias for `std::true_type` if T satisfies xref:boost/urls/grammar/CharSet.adoc[CharSet]. | xref:boost/urls/grammar/is_rule.adoc[`is_rule`] | Determine if T meets the requirements of xref:boost/urls/grammar/Rule.adoc[Rule] | xref:boost/urls/grammar/literal_rule.adoc[`literal_rule`] | Match a string literal exactly | xref:boost/urls/grammar/lut_chars.adoc[`lut_chars`] | A set of characters | xref:boost/urls/grammar/range.adoc[`range`] | A forward range of parsed elements | xref:boost/urls/grammar/recycled.adoc[`recycled`] | A thread‐safe collection of instances of T | xref:boost/urls/grammar/recycled_ptr.adoc[`recycled_ptr`] | A pointer to a shared instance of T | xref:boost/urls/grammar/string_view_base.adoc[`string_view_base`] | Common functionality for string views | xref:boost/urls/grammar/unsigned_rule.adoc[`unsigned_rule`] | Match an unsigned decimal |=== == Enums [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/grammar/condition.adoc[`condition`] | Error conditions for errors received from rules | xref:boost/urls/grammar/error.adoc[`error`] | Error codes returned when using rules |=== == Functions [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_compare.adoc[`ci_compare`] | Return the case‐insensitive comparison of s0 and s1 | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_digest.adoc[`ci_digest`] | Return the case‐insensitive digest of a string | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_is_equal.adoc[`ci_is_equal`] | Return true if s0 equals s1 using case‐insensitive comparison | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ci_is_less.adoc[`ci_is_less`] | Return true if s0 is less than s1 using case‐insensitive comparison | xref:boost/urls/grammar/delim_rule.adoc[`delim_rule`] | Match a character literal Match a single character from a character set | xref:boost/urls/grammar/find_if.adoc[`find_if`] | Find the first character in the string that is in the set. | xref:boost/urls/grammar/find_if_not.adoc[`find_if_not`] | Find the first character in the string that is not in CharSet | xref:boost/urls/grammar/hexdig_value.adoc[`hexdig_value`] | Return the decimal value of a hex character | xref:boost/urls/grammar/not_empty_rule.adoc[`not_empty_rule`] | Match another rule, if the result is not empty | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_not_eq.adoc[`operator!=`] | Compare two string views for inequality | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_plus.adoc[`operator+`] | Return the union of two character sets. | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_minus.adoc[`operator‐`] | Return a new character set by subtracting | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_lt.adoc[`operator<`] | Compare two string views for less than | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_lshift.adoc[`operator<<`] | Format a string to an output stream | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_le.adoc[`operator<=`] | Compare two string views for less than or equal | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_eq.adoc[`operator==`] | Compare two string views for equality | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_gt.adoc[`operator>`] | Compare two string views for greater than | xref:boost/urls/grammar/operator_ge.adoc[`operator>=`] | Compare two string views for greater than or equal | xref:boost/urls/grammar/optional_rule.adoc[`optional_rule`] | Match a rule, or the empty string | xref:boost/urls/grammar/parse.adoc[`parse`] | Parse a character buffer using a rule | xref:boost/urls/grammar/range_rule.adoc[`range_rule`] | Match a repeating number of elements | xref:boost/urls/grammar/ref.adoc[`ref`] | Return a reference to a character set Return a reference to a rule | xref:boost/urls/grammar/squelch.adoc[`squelch`] | Squelch the value of a rule | xref:boost/urls/grammar/to_lower.adoc[`to_lower`] | Return c converted to lowercase | xref:boost/urls/grammar/to_upper.adoc[`to_upper`] | Return c converted to uppercase | xref:boost/urls/grammar/token_rule.adoc[`token_rule`] | Match a non‐empty string of characters from a set | xref:boost/urls/grammar/tuple_rule.adoc[`tuple_rule`] | Match a series of rules in order | xref:boost/urls/grammar/variant_rule.adoc[`variant_rule`] | Match one of a set of rules |=== == Variables [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/grammar/all_chars.adoc[`all_chars`] | The set of all characters | xref:boost/urls/grammar/alnum_chars.adoc[`alnum_chars`] | The set of letters and digits | xref:boost/urls/grammar/alpha_chars.adoc[`alpha_chars`] | The set of all letters | xref:boost/urls/grammar/dec_octet_rule.adoc[`dec_octet_rule`] | Match a decimal octet | xref:boost/urls/grammar/digit_chars.adoc[`digit_chars`] | The set of decimal digits | xref:boost/urls/grammar/hexdig_chars.adoc[`hexdig_chars`] | The set of hexadecimal digits | xref:boost/urls/grammar/vchars.adoc[`vchars`] | The set of visible characters |=== == Concepts [cols=2] |=== | Name | Description | xref:boost/urls/grammar/CharSet.adoc[`CharSet`] | Concept for a CharSet | xref:boost/urls/grammar/Rule.adoc[`Rule`] | Concept for a grammar Rule |=== [.small]#Created with https://www.mrdocs.com[MrDocs]#