:relfileprefix: ../ [#boost-urls] == xref:boost.adoc[pass:[boost]]::urls === Namespaces [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/error_types.adoc[`error_types`] ¦ ¦xref:boost/urls/grammar.adoc[`grammar`] ¦ ¦xref:boost/urls/implementation_defined.adoc[`implementation_defined`] ¦ ¦xref:boost/urls/see_below.adoc[`see_below`] ¦ ¦xref:boost/urls/string_token.adoc[`string_token`] ¦ |=== === Types [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/authority_view.adoc[`authority_view`] ¦ A non-owning reference to a valid authority ¦xref:boost/urls/decode_view.adoc[`decode_view`] ¦ A reference to a valid, percent-encoded string ¦xref:boost/urls/encoding_opts.adoc[`encoding_opts`] ¦ Percent-encoding options ¦xref:boost/urls/ignore_case_param.adoc[`ignore_case_param`] ¦ An optional parameter to determine case-sensitivity ¦xref:boost/urls/ipv4_address.adoc[`ipv4_address`] ¦ An IP version 4 style address. ¦xref:boost/urls/ipv6_address.adoc[`ipv6_address`] ¦ An IP version 6 style address. ¦xref:boost/urls/no_value_t.adoc[`no_value_t`] ¦ The type of no_value ¦xref:boost/urls/optional.adoc[`optional`] ¦ The type of optional used by the library ¦xref:boost/urls/param.adoc[`param`] ¦ A query parameter ¦xref:boost/urls/param_pct_view.adoc[`param_pct_view`] ¦ A query parameter ¦xref:boost/urls/param_view.adoc[`param_view`] ¦ A query parameter ¦xref:boost/urls/params_base.adoc[`params_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_base.adoc[`params_encoded_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_ref.adoc[`params_encoded_ref`] ¦ A view representing query parameters in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/params_encoded_view.adoc[`params_encoded_view`] ¦ A view representing query parameters in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/params_ref.adoc[`params_ref`] ¦ A view representing query parameters in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/params_view.adoc[`params_view`] ¦ A view representing query parameters in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/pct_string_view.adoc[`pct_string_view`] ¦ A reference to a valid percent-encoded string ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_base.adoc[`segments_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_base.adoc[`segments_encoded_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_ref.adoc[`segments_encoded_ref`] ¦ A view representing path segments in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_encoded_view.adoc[`segments_encoded_view`] ¦ A view representing path segments in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_ref.adoc[`segments_ref`] ¦ A view representing path segments in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/segments_view.adoc[`segments_view`] ¦ A view representing path segments in a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/static_url.adoc[`static_url`] ¦ A modifiable container for a URL. ¦xref:boost/urls/static_url_base.adoc[`static_url_base`] ¦ Common implementation for all static URLs ¦xref:boost/urls/string_view.adoc[`string_view`] ¦ The type of string_view used by the library ¦xref:boost/urls/url.adoc[`url`] ¦ A modifiable container for a URL. ¦xref:boost/urls/url_base.adoc[`url_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/url_view.adoc[`url_view`] ¦ A non-owning reference to a valid URL ¦xref:boost/urls/url_view_base.adoc[`url_view_base`] ¦ Common functionality for containers ¦xref:boost/urls/variant.adoc[`variant`] ¦ The type of variant used by the library |=== === Enums [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/error.adoc[`error`] ¦ Error codes returned the library ¦xref:boost/urls/host_type.adoc[`host_type`] ¦ Identifies the type of host in a URL. ¦xref:boost/urls/scheme.adoc[`scheme`] ¦ Identifies a known URL scheme |=== === Functions [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/arg.adoc[`arg`] ¦ Designate a named argument for a replacement field ¦xref:boost/urls/default_port.adoc[`default_port`] ¦ Return the default port for a known scheme ¦xref:boost/urls/encode.adoc[`encode`] ¦ Apply percent-encoding to a string Return a percent-encoded string ¦xref:boost/urls/encoded_size.adoc[`encoded_size`] ¦ Return the buffer size needed for percent-encoding ¦xref:boost/urls/format.adoc[`format`] ¦ Format arguments into a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/format_to.adoc[`format_to`] ¦ Format arguments into a URL ¦xref:boost/urls/make_pct_string_view.adoc[`make_pct_string_view`] ¦ Return a valid percent-encoded string ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_not_eq.adoc[`operator!=`] ¦ Compare two decode views for inequality Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. Return true if two addresses are not equal ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_lt.adoc[`operator<`] ¦ Compare two decode views for less than Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_lshift.adoc[`operator<<`] ¦ Format the address to an output stream Format the address to an output stream. Format the encoded authority to the output stream Format the string with percent-decoding applied to the output stream Format the url to the output stream Format to an output stream ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_le.adoc[`operator<=`] ¦ Compare two decode views for less than or equal Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_eq.adoc[`operator==`] ¦ Compare two decode views for equality Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. Return true if two addresses are equal ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_gt.adoc[`operator>`] ¦ Compare two decode views for greater than Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. ¦xref:boost/urls/operator_ge.adoc[`operator>=`] ¦ Compare two decode views for greater than or equal Return the result of comparing two URLs Return the result of comparing two authorities The authorities are compared component by component as if they were first normalized. ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_absolute_uri.adoc[`parse_absolute_uri`] ¦ Return a reference to a parsed URL string ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_authority.adoc[`parse_authority`] ¦ Parse an authority ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_ipv4_address.adoc[`parse_ipv4_address`] ¦ Return an IPv4 address from an IP address string in dotted decimal form ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_ipv6_address.adoc[`parse_ipv6_address`] ¦ Parse a string containing an IPv6 address. ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_origin_form.adoc[`parse_origin_form`] ¦ Return a reference to a parsed URL string ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_path.adoc[`parse_path`] ¦ Parse a string and return an encoded segment view ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_query.adoc[`parse_query`] ¦ Parse a string and return an encoded params view ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_relative_ref.adoc[`parse_relative_ref`] ¦ Return a reference to a parsed URL string ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_uri.adoc[`parse_uri`] ¦ Return a reference to a parsed URL string ¦xref:boost/urls/parse_uri_reference.adoc[`parse_uri_reference`] ¦ Return a reference to a parsed URL string ¦xref:boost/urls/pct_encoded_rule.adoc[`pct_encoded_rule`] ¦ Rule for a string with percent-encoded escapes ¦xref:boost/urls/resolve.adoc[`resolve`] ¦ Resolve a URL reference against a base URL ¦xref:boost/urls/string_to_scheme.adoc[`string_to_scheme`] ¦ Return the known scheme for a non-normalized string, if known ¦xref:boost/urls/swap.adoc[`swap`] ¦ Swap ¦xref:boost/urls/to_string.adoc[`to_string`] ¦ Return the normalized string for a known scheme |=== === Variables [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/absolute_uri_rule.adoc[`absolute_uri_rule`] ¦ Rule for absolute-URI ¦xref:boost/urls/authority_rule.adoc[`authority_rule`] ¦ Rule for authority ¦xref:boost/urls/gen_delim_chars.adoc[`gen_delim_chars`] ¦ The gen-delims character set ¦xref:boost/urls/ignore_case.adoc[`ignore_case`] ¦ Ignore case when comparing ¦xref:boost/urls/ipv4_address_rule.adoc[`ipv4_address_rule`] ¦ Rule for an IP version 4 style address ¦xref:boost/urls/ipv6_address_rule.adoc[`ipv6_address_rule`] ¦ Rule for An IP version 6 style address ¦xref:boost/urls/no_value.adoc[`no_value`] ¦ Constant indicating no value in a param ¦xref:boost/urls/origin_form_rule.adoc[`origin_form_rule`] ¦ Rule for origin-form ¦xref:boost/urls/pchars.adoc[`pchars`] ¦ The path character set ¦xref:boost/urls/query_rule.adoc[`query_rule`] ¦ Rule for query ¦xref:boost/urls/relative_ref_rule.adoc[`relative_ref_rule`] ¦ Rule for relative-ref ¦xref:boost/urls/reserved_chars.adoc[`reserved_chars`] ¦ The reserved character set ¦xref:boost/urls/sub_delim_chars.adoc[`sub_delim_chars`] ¦ The sub-delims character set ¦xref:boost/urls/unreserved_chars.adoc[`unreserved_chars`] ¦ The unreserved character set ¦xref:boost/urls/uri_reference_rule.adoc[`uri_reference_rule`] ¦ Rule for URI-reference ¦xref:boost/urls/uri_rule.adoc[`uri_rule`] ¦ Rule for URI |=== === Using Directives [cols=2,separator=¦] |=== ¦Name ¦Description ¦xref:boost/urls/error_types.adoc[`error_types`] ¦ |===